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Ontinue’s Microsoft Copilot for Security Readiness Workshop has been designed for security operations leaders who are considering expanding their investment in the Microsoft Security Suite to include Microsoft Copilot for Security. Led by our Microsoft Security Consulting team, this workshop will provide the following outcomes for your security program:

  • Informed understanding of whether Copilot for Security is right for your organization, and how Copilot for Security will address your specific use cases
  • Workshop attendees will be equipped to pass the Copilot for Security Ninja certifications
  • Actionable roadmap for secure and responsible implementation of Copilot for Security

Complete our intake form and we’ll work with you to explore whether Ontinue’s Readiness Workshop is the right approach to develop an AI security strategy that works for you.

Why Ontinue?

Copilot for Security

Readiness Workshop 

We know Copilot. Due to our long-standing advanced specializations with Microsoft and our deep AI expertise, Ontinue was one of a handful of design partners involved in the creation of Copilot for Security. Ontinue joined the Copilot for Security private preview last year, giving our SOC and Data Science teams deep familiarity with the solution.  

We know Microsoft. Unlike other MDR providers that support a wide range of EDR, XDR, and SIEM technologies, Ontinue specializes in Microsoft’s security controls. Our Microsoft focus and expertise is a big reason why Microsoft named us their Global Managed Security Services Partner of the Year in 2022, and their Security Innovator of the Year in 2023.