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Breaking the Code: A Virtual Hacker-Themed Escape Room

Join us for "Breaking the Code," a virtual escape room adventure tailored just for you. As IT leaders from charities, you’re used to thinking on your feet and solving problems under pressure. Now, you can put those skills to the ultimate test, work with peers, and have a ton of fun—all from your desk! 

Why Should You Join?

  • Crack Codes, Solve Puzzles: Dive into a hacker-themed storyline complete with live hosts. You’ll need all your wits about you to stop a cyber attack that could spell disaster.
  • Team Up: Use Microsoft Teams to collaborate in real-time, showcasing your ability to work as a team effectively—a key Ontinue strength.
  • Sharpen Your Skills: It’s not just about having fun (although you’ll have lots of it!). This challenge is a chance to enhance your strategic thinking and boost your problem-solving capabilities in a high-stakes environment. 

Drew Perry
Chief Innovation Officer

23rd May at 4:00 PM BST (11:00 AM EDT) 1-hour Online Event 

Ready to put your cyber smarts to the test?

Hear from an Ex-hacker...

After the escape, dive deeper into cybersecurity with Drew Perry, Ontinue’s Chief Innovation Officer and former hacker. Learn about:

1. Implementing multi-factor authentication to reduce ransomware risks.

2. Strategies to decrease phishing emails and actions to take if they occur.

3. Immediate steps to take when a security breach happens.